


出席 成绩 & 标准 重复的课程
审计课程 毕业论文/论文扩展 学业进步标准
取消课程 & 人员配备 研究生学分课程-本科生 学生课程负担
课程重叠 独立学习 学生的责任
学分 及格-不及格评分政策 扣留学生记录
注册验证 必备的课程


Students are expected to fulfill all course requirements and although attendance is not always mandatory, 这是可取的. 不参加实验室或工作室的课程应经导师同意. 教师应书面通知学生每门课程的出勤要求. 教授可能会对未达到特定出勤要求的学生进行处罚. 无论出勤率如何,注册的学生都被认为已经注册了他们的课程. 退款只会被处理, 按照每学期课程表上公布的截止日期. Students not following this procedure will be charged for all course(s) in which they are registered.

  • 缺勤不构成退款或退课的理由。.
  • 学生不应该参加他们没有注册的课程


“旁听”一门课程就是定期上课, 没有义务参加课堂讨论, 实验室工作, 考试, 表演, 或者除了听力以外的任何课堂活动. 旁听课程的学生将被收取所需的学杂费. 他们没有资格获得任何类型的经济援助. 任何选择审计选项的学生必须填写一份 审计程序 并交回注册官办公室 在本学期第三周结束之前 for regularly scheduled courses or its equivalent for short term courses and other courses that meet less than full term. 审计应用程序可在 表单页面.

提交审计申请的截止日期可在 重要日期页面.

取消课程 & 人员配备

大学保留取消报名人数不足的课程的权利. Students may register without penalty for another course of equal credit or receive a full refund of tuition and fees. 大学也保留更改教师任务的权利, 因此,不能保证学生选择的教师.


Course registration overlaps may be permitted with written approval of the instructors of both courses as well as the approval of the Dean(s) and Chairperson(s) responsible for the instructional areas. Students must submit written approval to 红鹰中心 in order to register for overlapping courses; the student or his/her representative must do this in person. 课程重叠表可在 表单页面.


十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 defines all on-line courses or any on-line portion of a hybrid course to be taught from the main campus.

学分按每学期的学时(S)计算.H.)的基础上. 一学期学时, 通常是每周50分钟的课堂活动,持续15周, 等于1个学分. Semester credit hour may also be defined as 150 minutes of academic work each week for 15 weeks in one semester, which is typically accomplished by 50 minutes of face-to-face class activity each week complemented by at least 100 minutes each week of laboratory or outside assignments (or the equivalent thereof for semesters of different length). It may also be accomplished through an equivalent amount of academic work which may include additional class time, 实验室工作, 实习, 实习工作室, 以及其他形式的学术工作.

艺术系和设计系, 戏剧和舞蹈, and Music adhere to the following formulas for determining course credit hours in conjunction with their discipline-specific accrediting bodies.


学生可以通过他们的学校申请入学证明 NEST 账户. 已经毕业的学生可以要求提供他们的正式成绩单副本.



十大博彩推荐排名州立 seniors who have completed 105 semester hours of the bachelor’s degree requirements, 谁拥有至少3分.平均成绩为00,并完成了所有要求的先决条件, 可以申请最多6小时的500级课程以获得本科或研究生学分. A graduate course taken for undergraduate credit cannot later be included in a graduate degree program. 如果课程是研究生学分,将收取研究生学费和杂费. 适当的表格可在网上找到 研究生网站 并且必须由学生或其代表亲自到研究生办公室提交. Admission of an undergraduate to a course that yields graduate credit does not imply future acceptance into any graduate program. 这只能通过单独的录取程序来完成. Those planning to matriculate in graduate programs at the 大学 should refer to the Graduate School website for specific admission requirements.


Undergraduate students who have completed a minimum of 51 undergraduate credits taken at 十大博彩推荐排名州立 by the end of the semester prior to their commencement will be recognized for graduation honors. 成绩 received in classes taken at another institution will not be factored into calculations for 毕业的荣誉.

School of Nursing students who have completed a minimum of 32 undergraduate credits at 十大博彩推荐排名州立 by the end of the semester prior to their commencement 获得毕业荣誉.



十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 offers opportunities for students to undertake academic credit on an independent study basis.

  • 本科生可以通过登录他们的 NEST “个人信息”下的帐户,然后是“管理您的记录”.”


及格-不及格评分政策 可在保单网站查阅.


IT IS THE STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY to satisfactorily complete a prerequisite course before scheduling a dependent course. Students will not be permitted to register for a course for which the prerequisite has not been met.



有可能提高课程成绩, 获得F的本科生, D-, D, D+级或WD级的学生可修读该课程一次, 最多两次尝试. 学生取得C-或C-以上成绩的课程不得重修, 除非官方有特别说明, 认可的课程要求(例如.g.,具体的教师教育认证要求). The Dean of the College or School where the course is housed has the discretion to approve additional course repeats and/or a grade related repeat of a course only under limited special and appropriately documented extenuating circumstances.

当一个课程被重复时, 原来的和后来的职系都包括在永久档案中, 但是这门课的学分只算一次. 获得的最高分数将被记录为该课程的官方最终分数, 并将被计入学生的GPA.

如果课程不再提供, 学院或学院的院长, 应提供原课程的系主任的要求, 保留批准补课的权利. 如果得到批准, the alternate course will act as an exact repeat with respect to all other aspects of the current course repeat policy.

In rare instances, a student may repeat a course by completing its equivalent at another institution. 在这些情况下, the grade earned at the other institution will not be factored into the 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 grade point average, 并且可能无法满足基于成绩的先决条件要求. 学生在转学之前必须先咨询导师. 该学生只能获得一次学分. 这门课程可以满足学位要求. 本科生必须参考, 确保坚持, to specific program requirements and 大学 policies governing work completed at another institution before enrolling in courses outside of 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学.

Undergraduate students enrolled in graduate-level courses must adhere to the graduate student course repeat policy for all graduate-level courses.

要了解对经济援助资格的潜在影响,请参阅 助学金学生手册.


研究生必须遵守复读课程的政策 研究生政策手册.



  1. 被学校停学的学生, 作为学术排名的结果, 会在他们的成绩单上加上记号吗. 如果学生重新注册, 保持良好的学术成绩并完成毕业要求, 学生可以在他/她申请毕业时要求删除批注. 申请必须提交给教务长办公室. 教务长, 与其他大学官员协商, 将对删除符号做出最终决定.
  2. 被大学开除的学生, 作为学术排名的结果, 会在他们的成绩单上加上记号吗. 符号是永久的.
  3. 批注分别为“休学”和“开除学籍”.


全日制本科生每学期应修15-16学分. 选修超过19个学分的课程需要特别许可. To be considered a full-time student one must register for and continue active enrollment in at least 12 semester hours for the entire semester.

Full-time undergraduate students who have at least sophomore standing (30 credit hours earned) and a 3.最近完成的学期的累积平均成绩为0或以上, 经所修读学院(院)院长批准, 注册课程超载. 学院/学院院长可以对上述课程超载的资格标准进行例外处理. Requests for Course Overloads of 23 or more credits must additionally be approved by the Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education. All registrations for Course Overloads are on a space available basis and must be processed in person in 红鹰中心. The 大学 reserves the right to reduce the course load of any student who registers for more than 19 credit hours without Course Overload approval. 表格可在 表单页面.


所有全日制研究生每学期必须注册至少六(6)学分, 最多允许十五(15)学分. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 研究生院网站-政策和程序.

在职研究生是指注册学习6学分以下的研究生. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 研究生院网站-政策和程序.

有关信息,请访问 研究生院,政策和程序.


大学有权终止任何有不当行为的学生的入学资格, 上课, 学业成绩或财务义务不能令人满意.

学生不应该去上课 他们没有注册过


The release of diplomas and transcripts will be withheld for students who have a financial obligation to the 大学 (e.g. 图书馆、停车场、借阅等.)